[Ti] 10.2.8

John Griffin jwegriffin at mac.com
Sat Oct 4 11:43:53 PDT 2003

Michael Bigley typed this message on 10/3/03 11:07 PM:

> After being called a sycophant for the second time, I admit, I had to
> look it up... and I must say that it fits neither Shawn nor me...
> search the archives.

>From Merriam Webster (via Spell Catcher X)

4 sense(s) for ³sycophant²

1. sy·co·phant
€ (noun) [sy·co·phants]
­ servile flatterer
€ syc·o·phan·tic (adjective)
€ sy·co·phan·ti·cal·ly (adverb)
€ sy·co·phant·ish·ly (adverb)

Proximity/Merriam-Webster U.S. English Thesaurus

2 meaning(s) for ³sycophant²

1. (adj) characteristic of one that fawns
€ (synonym) fawning, bootlicking, cowering, cringing, groveling, kowtowing,
parasitic, sycophantic, sycophantical, sycophantish, toadying, toadyish,
€ (related) flunkyish, obsequious, servile, slavish, subservient, compliant,
deferential, humble, submissive, yielding, ingratiating, adulatory,
flattering, mealy-mouthed, crawling, spineless, abject, ignoble, mean
€ (contrast) arrogant, disdainful, haughty, insolent, lordly, overbearing,
proud, supercilious, contemptuous, insulting, scathing, scornful,
authoritative, imperious, magisterial, masterful
€ (antonym) domineering

2. (noun) a base or servilely attentive flatterer and self-seeker
€ (synonym) apple-polisher, bootlick, bootlicker, creature, footlicker,
groveler, lickspit, lickspittle, minion, reptile, spaniel, toad, toadeater,
toadier, toady, truckler, yes-man
€ (see also) parasite
€ (related) flunky, gopher, lackey, slave, stooge, flatterer, self-seeker,
snob, tuft-hunter

Proximity/Collins British English Thesaurus

3 meaning(s) for ³sycophant²

1. (noun)
€ (synonym) hanger-on, dependant, follower, lackey, leech, minion, parasite

2. (noun)
€ (synonym) toady, hanger-on, jackal, lackey, parasite, yes man

3. (noun)
€ (synonym) yes man, bootlicker, bosses' lackey, company man, crawler,
creature, minion, timeserver, toady


I agree Michael, it doesn't fit either of you in the least!


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