I decided to do a plain upgrade and so far the only issues were the corrupted preferences list for Printer Setup Utility and GPG Mail, which has different versions for Jaguar and Panther. Fixing GPG Mail took seconds but it took me about one hour to figure out what was wrong with the printer setup was the preferences list. The trick of switching to a clean user account for troubleshooting paid itself for good. As for the upgrade itself, no lost data or preferences beyond the printer issue. All my stuff, my purchased iTMS music, my iPhoto library, everything is where it should be. This is a Ti 867 with 1GB ram, it absolutely flies. The graphics are very snappy, and the improvements on PDF rendering are obvious. Network shares are funny, I only get a mounted volume for my Windows server shares, not for the mac server. The mac server is totally transparent, there is not even something obvious to eject the mount. O well, it works. I tried to play with Xcode but it was pretty overwhelming, so I am going to wait until the weekend so I can play with it without distraction. Exposé is already indispensable to me and I have only used it for a few hours. Pedro - http://pedrovera.com (public GPG/PGP key available at http://pedrovera.com/public.asc)