[Ti] Titanium/Aluminum List name

Peter Krug pkrug at mac.com
Fri Sep 19 06:07:05 PDT 2003

>On Friday, September 19, 2003, at 08:14  AM, Steve Wozniak wrote:
>>It may soon be time to rethink the name of this list.
>>Steve  (is tv wake zone?)
>I'm all for the boring, yet only truly apt name of "The Powerbook List."

Since the Ti list was focused on the PowerBook G4 and there is 
another list that covers G3 PowerBooks, maybe we should call it the 
G4 portable list or the PowerBook G4 list or something like that, 
only catchier.  ALthough (pun intended), if we wait too long, we'll 
have to start a new list called "CheeseGraterPowerBooks" or 
"WhiffleBook List" when the G5 PowerBook is released.

My last mention of a list name change was shot down, but now that 
there are no more "new" Ti's, maybe now's the time.  I just hope for 
the sake of this exercise  that the G4 doesn't make it into the iBook 
in January, but I vote that the list be designated something with the 
word G4, lest we be inundated with talk of Wallstreet batteries and 
Pismo motherboards going bad.  (No offense, old timers, you we great 
in your day.)


p.s. What about "MetalBook List" to differentiate from the "PlasticBooks"?
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I can't remember
the last time I restarted
I love OS X

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