[Ti] 15" AlBook power adapters

Glenn L. Austin glenn at austin-home.com
Sat Sep 27 09:37:35 PDT 2003

on 9/27/2003 9:18 AM, Dennis Fazio at dfz at mac.com wrote:

> Can anyone who has received a new 15" AlBook and also has a TiBook verify if
> the power adapters are interchangeable?

If I remember my electrical calculations correctly:

The "old" power adapters are 24V and 1.875A, which gives a value of 45W.
The new 65W power adapters would have to be 24V and 2.708A.  Anyone with a
new Al15 (or Al17) verify this?

> I assume the batteries are not interchangeable, is that correct?


Glenn L. Austin <><
Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver
<glenn at austin-home.com>

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