I'm curious if anyone else has noticed this phenonmenon. I can use the function keys (F1 and F2) to decrease or increase the LCD screen brightness on my Aluminum PowerBook running Panther 10.3.3 However, if I hit the F1 or F2 button many times too rapidly, it would respond quickly for the first 4 or 5 steps and then slow down a great deal with the screen graphic fading and reappearing and the brightness increasing (or decreasing) one notch about every 5 or 10 seconds, become a very slow typeahead. This also affects the performance of the entire machine, which slows to a crawl until all the typeahead keypresses are complete. I find that this is not consistent, and only works this way intermittently. I have not yet determined the conditions when it happens. But it is a real pain when it doe. Have others experienced this at all? -- Dennis Fazio dfz at mac.com