Hi folks I'm having much trouble with Mail program ever since I upgraded my OS to 10.3.3. Severals times a day I check my emails, (I usually keep most of my programs running but put computer in sleep,) and it keeps asking for my password and will not accept the right one and I must quit and start over and then sometimes it doesn't ask for it at all and works great. I always check save keychain thingy and have re-entered my password in mail preferences several times. Pls don't ask me to repair my permissions. I've had nothing but trouble when ever I do that on the family eMac and am to scared of messing things up on my PB with a fix that has never fixed anything for me. I am running a Ti867. Version 10.3.3. No fancy programs. 'cpet an older version of photoshop that i use in OS9 once awhile. Let me know what you think? TmB