[Ti] what has happened to my Address Book??

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Mon Apr 19 07:20:18 PDT 2004

At 09:55 +0100 19/4/04, Tarik Bilgin wrote:
>On 17 Apr 2004, at 17:47, Dr. Trevor J. Hutley wrote:
>>At 10:57 -0400 17/4/04, John Griffin wrote:
>>>Sounds like you need to trash the Address Book Preferences, or at least
>>>check them out with a Utility like Preferential Treatment.
>>John - I wrote in my posting:
>>	Now I have deleted the PLIST files:	com.apple.AddressBook.plist
>>					AddressBookMe.plist
>>Are there any other Preferences to Trash ??
>not as far as I know....
>I'm stumped :)

Tarik - yes, so am I !

I have reinstalled it using Pacifist from the 10.3.3 update, and it 
will not even launch.
I have done everything we normally do.

What could be a next step to get my address book back???


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