[Ti] Hardrive upgrade a success, now to syncing!

Wilhelm Wanders kaskudoo at freenet.de
Tue Jul 20 10:33:01 PDT 2004

hi cliff,

retrospect by dantz (www.dantz.com) is a very nice backup software .... 
especially when you only want to back up the data that has changed .... 
i don't know if it is as good to sync though, i would guess so, when 
you use the right configs .....

On Jul 20, 2004, at 11:37 AM, Clifford R. Hume wrote:

> Hi,
> At the advice of several on the list, I recently upgraded my Ti667 to 
> 1 GB
> RAM and 7200 60 GB HD.  What a difference!  I got a firewire enclosure 
> for
> my old drive.
> Now the next step....
> What is the best software to try and "sync" my data files between 
> several
> computers?   I would like to use my now portable 30gb drive to sync 
> with my
> G5 at work and my Ti PB so I don¹t have to carry PB to work everyday.
> Seems like there should be software to just update files that have been
> changed in intervening period so I don¹t have to copy 10 GB everyday 
> back
> and forth twice a day. Doing this manually so I don¹t mistakenly 
> delete the
> revised files is getting challenging.
> Any recommendations?
> Thanks
> Cliff

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