Dear All, Having just made the shift to a more geek-oriented web host I've been undergoing a baptism of Unix fire for the last three days. I can heartily recommend the notes here: They've been really helpful (if anyone knows of other clearly written notes, please feel free to point me offlist). Anyway, back to the topic. There's a clear explanation of the .DS_Store file here: And, as far as I'm aware Flipper is right, if you delete the .DS_Store file from a folder it will re-appear next time you open that folder. Best, Christopher @ Fallt | """..NOW PLAYING..00.06.2004---||||... | 0000 | XXXX---- DJ DANGERMOUSE | THE GREY ALBUM --------------------- <> | XXXX---- CHEAP COLOGNE | THE DOUBLE BLACK ALBUM ----------- \\ | 0000 \\\\..\\\\ | info at