[Ti] eliminating Norton

RP McKay richard.mckay1 at virgin.net
Tue Jun 8 16:11:51 PDT 2004

On 7/6/04 9:57 pm, "Dr. Trevor J. Hutley" <hutley at geneva-link.ch> wrote (in

> WHERE is this Norton file/message lurking in my Al-book?
> Why does it think I have these Norton products still installed?
> Does anyone have an idea what I need to look for and remove?
> So as to ensure this message does not apppear, and so that my Mac is
> definitely Norton-free.

Does Norton leave a receipt in /Library/Receipts/<Norton something>.pkg?

If so you could use the lsmod command to 'see' exactly what Norton installed
and/or changed and where...



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