LunchTray backpack

Silvo Conticello silvoc at
Mon Jun 21 18:29:39 PDT 2004

I should receive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow my new Albook17, 
and I have still to find a backpack for it (available in UK). The one I 
was using for the TiBook is 10 cm too short...
These are the ones I've found available in UK:
- Brenthaven 17" backpack: it seems nice and I really like the shelled 
sleeve but it doesn't look really comfortable to wear (at least from 
the picture I've seen)
- Crumpler backpack: pros, they are large. Cons, they are large + the 
backpack and the sleeve look quite soft, what kind of protection will 
- Jansport Thinker: according to the dimensions on the website the 
Albook17 should fit, but is that true? in one of the picture shown 
there is a TiBook and it seems exactly the size of the bag...
- Samsonite Sahora: a bit too luggagish...
- Jansport PC port: the lunchtray will definitively fit, but the laptop 
compartment seems a bit too crowded. Will provide enough protection?
- STM Loop: a bit too large?

Does anybody has experience with any of these?
Any other possibility?
Does anybody know of rigid sleeves like the one in the Brenthaven 
backpack that I could use together with a less protective bag?


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