[Ti] 10.3.3 and Java Update

Wesley Griffin wgriffin at fraktured.net
Wed Mar 17 13:36:40 PST 2004

On Mar 17, 2004, at 4:28 PM, Mark Gibson wrote:
> Tried that too after repairing permissions.
> Same error message (except this time I saw the Hard Drive icon with 
> the nice red warning sign).

My guess is the Java 1.4.2 update is not recognizing 10.3.3 since it 
came out before the 10.3.3 update. How to solve that? Dunno... start 
over and install the Java update first. Submitting a bug report could 
probably get the attention of someone and get the current Java 1.4.2 
update fixed to recognize 10.3.3. Or wait for someone at Apple to 
notice and fix it. The Java update is not critical and I don't think it 
had an serious security fixes so you probably could just wait until it 
gets fixed on Apple's side. That, of course, is assuming that the 
problem is with the update itself and not some odd configuration on 
your laptop.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful :)

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