[Ti] New 1.5ghz Powerbook up and running

Steve Wozniak steve at woz.org
Tue May 4 08:25:14 PDT 2004

At 9:56 AM -0400 5/4/04, John Griffin wrote:

>Well, one thing about this machine that I find a pain-in-the-behind is that
>all the boot disks such the TechTool CD and DiskWarrior CD (as well as the
>TechTool eDisk) will no longer boot. All you get is an international symbol
>of the circle with the slash through it. I guess more updates will have to
>be forthcoming (or, the companies involved stating that they will no longer
>support new Apple releases).
>I just wonder what is in the system that is on the new Panther disks that is
>so essential that the machine will not boot without it!

Bummer for me.

Following trouble and uncertainty reports I held off on purchasing OS X utility disks until a week ago. I got Disk Warrior, TechTool Pro and Data Recovery Suite. About one day later my 1.5 GHz Al 17" arrived. I haven't yet tried those emergency CD's on it. I wish they had served me for more than 1 day.


Steve  (is tv wake zone?)

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