[Ti] .mac Backup fault

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Tue May 11 02:26:18 PDT 2004

At 03:20 +0800 10/5/04, Iain McShane wrote:
>Just made enough space on my machine to re-install my backup from CD (7
>CD's) it's 4.5 Gig of important data.
>Apple backup said I do not have enough access rights to complete the backup,
>(I'm the only user) and also reported some files could not be copied.
>After verifying the discs during backup I thought restoring would WORK!
>Any similar stories?
>Trying again now what a waste of my time, any better backup programs?

Iain - I have been using (Dantz) Retrospect Remote / Express etc for 
over a decade now, over networks and now just to my personal backup 
devices (external hard drives).

It does everything I need (and more) easily and without these kind of 
errors that you mention.

I run an incremental backup to my HD at home and one to my HD in the 
office at least once every day.

If you accidentally overwrite or delete a file (that is backed up) 
you can restore it in moments.

I have even had a disk partition go south on me (once, a long time 
ago), and I was able to reformat it and copy the latest contents back 
and resume normal operation very quickly.


regards, Trevor


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