[Ti] Off_Topic: Are there OSX viruses?

Glenn L. Austin glenn at austin-home.com
Wed May 19 15:38:54 PDT 2004

on 5/19/04 3:19 PM, David DelMonte at ddelmonte at mac.com wrote:

> I've been curious about this for a while. I often get messages from
> ISP's indicating that a message supposedly sent by me contained a
> virus. I usually dont know the recipient. I was wondering whether:
> a: I have been a virus carrier,
> b: the messages from these ISPs are spoofs, or
> c: my account is being spoofed.
> As a .mac user I have the latest Virex and I run it often on my entire
> systems and at startup as a shield.
> Anyone else get this?

Some of the most recent virii spoof both the sender and receiver, so it is
likely that someone who has both you and the other person in their address

Glenn L. Austin <><
Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver
<glenn at austin-home.com>

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