[Ti] [OT] humor from slashdot

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Fri Oct 15 05:58:55 PDT 2004

On Oct 15, 2004, at 1:15 AM, Shawn King wrote:

> Yeah - that's Leander. :-)

It struck me as sort of humorous, after I made the connection.

In his blog, Leander claims he got this software, which if it really 
exists I think is a spinoff of PearPC (even though they claim 
otherwise).  He claims he tries one of those $19.95 upgrade CD's from 
the Software Up-To-Date program.  Then because it didn't work, openly 
admits trying to hack the Jaguar detection routine on copyrighted 
software - and puts his admission of guilt in print.  LOL.

"we're reporters, we take pride in bending the rules."

Somebody who takes pride in bending the rules (and likes to make Mac 
users look silly) couldn't come up with a pirated Jaguar or Panther 
install CD set?

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