[Ti] TI upgrade ?

Bradley Ellis brad212 at mac.com
Thu Aug 4 05:21:04 PDT 2005

Hey David,

Good question.  I guess I was lucky.  When I spoke with an AppleCare technician, I was advised to reconfigure my PowerBook back to the original configuration before I shipped my PowerBook back to Apple (to avoid any potential warranty void issues).  I dutifully followed said advice and had no problems (in fact, AppleCare replaced my orginal 30 gig hard drive - which had been acting as a "back-up" drive for my wife's pc).

I was also told I should reinstall the original 256K RAM (i.e. remove the after-market 1 gig of RAM I had installed)before I shipped my PowerBooked to AppleCare.


On Wednesday, August 03, 2005, at 10:26PM, David Brostoff <listaddr at earthlink.net> wrote:

>On Jul 11, 2005, at 10:24 AM, Bradley Ellis wrote:
>>I just got back my ~ 3 year old 667 (DVI) PowerBook (pb) from the 
>>shop (weeks before my AppleCare expired).  This book got a new LCD 
>>screen a couple years ago (again, under AppleCare).  I bumped up the 
>>hard drive to a 60 gig 5400 rmp (from the original 30 gig 4200 rpm) 
>>about 6 months ago.
>Did AppleCare say anything about the new drive?
>When I called AppleCare a few months ago, I was told in no uncertain 
>terms that upgrading my hard drive (on my Ti 667 rev. 2) would 
>violate my warranty. They said I couldn't even swap the larger, 
>faster drive from a Ti 550 that had been installed by the Apple 
>Dealer when I bought it.
>Thank you,
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