[Ti] Really, really old Mac OS 1 to 8 work - need translator [Off List]

John simplymail at ururk.com
Wed Dec 7 18:39:29 PST 2005

> I came across some really old Word Processing files that were  
> written between 1984 and 1990. Some were written in MacWrite  
> versions 1 to 5, some in MacWrite Pro and the rest were (I am  
> pretty sure) written in Write Now (probably 2.2 to 4.0). There are  
> a few PageMaker files as well, but I have pretty well given up on  
> those.

As for the PageMaker files, I don't know how far back it converts,  
but if you have InDesign, see if that will open them.

Good luck!

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