[Ti] more speculation

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Tue Dec 13 06:09:02 PST 2005

On Dec 13, 2005, at 7:51 AM, Ross Winn wrote:

> One thing is for sure. Apple does not have any problem with cutting  
> out un-needed features for 90% of their market.  If 10% of iBook  
> users are relying on Firewire it is a lot easier to migrate them to  
> powerbooks than it is to overcharge the other 90%.

Then at least put a PCMCIA slot in it so you can slide in a card to  
add Firewire, etc..  Otherwise people will just buy a PC laptop  
instead.  Even $499 PC laptops have a PC card slot.  My low-end  
ThinkPad z60t has Firewire 400 too, and it cost a hell of a lot less  
than a PowerBook.  In fact, I paid less for it than a 14" iBook.

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