[Ti] QT Pro issue

Jeffrey K. Lew jklew at ucla.edu
Tue Jul 19 15:38:01 PDT 2005

On Jul 18, 2005, at 5:19, ~flipper wrote:

> I upgraded to QuickTime pro (again, think this is the third time i  
> bought it since jaguar). And i see zero /cut/copy/save, and no edit  
> selecting 'triangles', regardless of media/codec, inside QuickTime.
> I've double- and triple-checked my registration number, it IDs  
> itself as QT pro. I'm stumped. Any ideas? thanks.
> brian s
> _______________________________________________

Hover the cursor over the area under the progress bar, and the  
selection handles will appear. Click somewhere there to move one of  
the handles out, then you can drag them around.

Cut, Copy, Paste should be available when something is selected. "Add  
Movie" is essentially "Paste"--when I tried it without having copied  
a movie segment from somewhere else, a Word document that happened to  
be on the clipboard got pasted into the movie!

Jeff Lew
UCLA Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences

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