Dear co-Macusers, I was shocked at the time Steve Jobs confirm the Intel rumor. But at the same time pop up a few questions in my mind. Does Apple have a terrible fight with IBM due to fact G5 processors aren't what they asked for (>= 3ghz)? If Apple is going to change to Intel, wich 64bit processor will they use? I found these answers, may not be the one. Leopard will be launch in the middle of the transition, will be Leopard a crossplataform OS? And finally, if Apple secretly developed a "just in case" version of Mac OS X for X86 machines, what kind of Mac we'll receive in the near future? macintel? are they gonna change only the Processor and adapt the around chips for it? Just a few question to think about, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I just went further but, "just in case" will be looking around to see if I found a Leopard in the X86 world under a different name. Carlos Hernández PB 800 MHZ, PB 1GHZ, PowerMac 1GHZ... PB G5 (will wait for you). -- Gran parte de las dificultades por las que atraviesa el mundo, se deben a que los ignorantes están completamente seguros y los inteligentes llenos de dudas. BERTRAND ARTHUR W.RUSSELL