[Ti] Re: A real world comparison

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Sat Jun 11 22:48:39 PDT 2005

On Jun 11, 2005, at 7:49 PM, ~flipper wrote:

>> More personal attacks.
> ~ couldn't have put it better myself

Are you claiming some sort of moral high ground in this thread?

It appears that you are the one who is unable to allow for alternate  
viewpoints.  It is you who started to call me names.

> You've obviously never read the fine print on the Palladium issue,  
> nor the hardware-based DRM initiatives...but everyone else who  
> expresses a bit of alaarm...is 'an extremist'? Grow up.

You've obviously never thought that Apple do something different, but  
everyone who expresses a different opinion is subject to name calling?

Grow up.

If you think that your comments were going to dissuade me from  
replying, sorry to disappoint you.

> have a nice day :)

Hey, you too :)


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