[Ti] multiple copies with Roxio Toast Titanium

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley hutley at geneva-link.ch
Wed Mar 23 05:43:16 PST 2005

I am using Roxio Toast Titanium 605 on my 1.25 Al G4 Powerbook.

We have a lot of different scientific instruments arriving soon, and 
I am planning to use my Powerbook to copy all the CDs for the 
instrument software, for archival purposes.  I want to make 1 copy of 
the disc to keep with the instrument, one copy to be kept wth the 
technician, and the original to be locked away for safety.

I am just doing the first one.

It seems that it is not possible to make 2 copies directly from 1 original.
The original must be inserted to make each copy.

Since this will make the whole process very tedious, I am wondering 
if anyone knows how to make multiple copies from one original, 
easily.  It may very well be just my lack of knowledge of Toast.
I use it a lot, but never before for multiple copies.

regards,  Trevor

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