[Ti] iScroll2 vs. 10.4.1?

Norman Cohen nacohen at mac.com
Wed May 18 11:05:47 PDT 2005

Check your accounts preference pane in system preferences. Select  
login items. You may find a sidetrack associated program that  
launches every time you log in. Delete that item from your login  
items and it should take care of you receiving annoying messages.  
That won't delete the program but will keep it from launching at  
login. Also as another poster noted, you might still have your  
sidetrack kext installed. Check the notes that came with sidetrack  
about removing the application. I believe that there was an  
uninstaller or at least instructions for uninstalling.

Norman Cohen
nacohen at mac.com

On May 18, 2005, at 6:35 AM, Tom Taylor wrote:

> I have Side Track installed on my machine but want to uninstall  
> it.  I can't seem to do it.  I have trashed the app and the  
> plists.  That at least turned it off but the registration  box  
> still shows up when I restart.
> How do I uninstall Side Track?

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