[Ti] new AlBook17

Kynan Shook kshook at cae.wisc.edu
Thu Nov 3 14:47:04 PST 2005

silvo conticello <silvoc at tiscali.it> writes:
> Yes, I remember this was the case on my previous AlBook (10.3.9), but
> now, in my new computer (10.4.3), I don't have the speed options
> anymore...
> Does anybody else have/does'nt have the speed option on their new
> AlBook?

Indeed, you are correct.  I checked the developer note, and, sure  
enough, the computer is fixed at Automatic.  It will jump between  
1/4, 1/2, and full-speed (and vary the core voltage, as well),  
depending on how heavy the CPU load is.  The GPU does a similar thing  
to save power when you're not taxing it very much.

I'm not sure whether the main settings (eg "Best Performance") affect  
the CPU's power saving measures; if anybody has Marcel Bresink's  
Hardware Monitor, I bet you'd be able to see the CPU core voltage,  
which will also tell you what CPU speed you're running at: 0.93 V for  
417 MHz, 1.28 V for 833 MHz, or something larger (I'd guess around  
1.36 V) for full-speed (1670 MHz).

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