[Ti] Fat binaries (was Re: Cocktail 365)

TjL lists at tntluoma.com
Wed Nov 23 08:39:13 PST 2005

Well this is an area that I can speak to, as I used to work with multiple 
architecture binaries (aka "fat") back in the days of NeXT/OpenStep.  By 
the end we were dealing with *four* archs (NeXT/Intel/HP/Sparc).

1) lots of the initial code may include a significant amount of debugging 
code.  That may improve in time for some apps.  I believe Opera9 went from 
4mb to about 10mb :-/

2) nothing prevents developers from releasing single arch ("thin") versions 
to keep downloads smaller.

3) unneeded archs can be removed (i.e. remove Intel or PPC from a fat 
binary).  I would expect to see several free utilities designed to let you 
drop an app on it and have it go through and thin it out, or something like 
Delocalizer which will search the HD for code to be removed.  Of course 
this is post-download so it won't help those on slow connections (but see 
#2 above).

4) In time most people will cease to care.


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