[Ti] Apple Remote + Front Row

John Pariseau simplymail at ururk.com
Thu Oct 13 15:23:41 PDT 2005

> Why didn't they make it a bluetooth remote or a Airport remote?  
> What else is infrared good for?
> On 13-Oct-05, at 4:54 PM, John Pariseau wrote:
>> It'd be pretty funny - our aged and venerable Ti PB's being  
>> compatible with a brand new Apple accessory, while the PB's in  
>> between (am I correct that AlBooks don't have IR?) are  
>> incompatible with the remote. I'm making a prediction that Apple  
>> computers from now on will have built in IR on the front. Just a  
>> guess.


power hungry
ideally suited for two way communication
overbuilt for this type of application
pairing issues

Airport (ie, 802.11b):

Same as above, plus totally overkill
an IP somehow would have to be assigned, how? DHCP? Manually?

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