[Ti] New iMac models...

David Brostoff listaddr at earthlink.net
Thu Oct 13 18:30:12 PDT 2005

At 10:40 PM +0200 on 10/13/05, Kim Gammelgård wrote:

>He, great, it's a waste of money anyhow, I haven't used mine for years.
>Not meaning to disturb you, but do you live in a third world country?

I am not the OP and don't live in a third-world 
country (San Francisco Bay Area) but find my PB 
modem indispensible (1) during power outages, (2) 
at the numerous hotels that still don't have 
broadband or charge very high prices for it or 
(3) when I'm staying with less-technologically 
minded relatives who scarcely know--or care--what 
broadband is.

I've even used it when visiting a very high-tech 
company in Germany where I couldn't hook into 
their network but could easily use a phone line.


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