[Ti] RAM upgrade

Bradley Ellis brad212 at mac.com
Fri Sep 16 17:27:15 PDT 2005

Hey Brian,

Thank you sir for the reply.

Crucial.com sells the exact same model of RAM for my Ti 667 and my  
wife's Vaio - except RAM for my PowerBook costs a couple dollars more.

I'm sure you're right about a "toggle" difference.  It would have  
been nice to max out my wife's RAM capability with my droppings(?).


On Sep 16, 2005, at 4:32 PM, ~flipper wrote:

>> Hello all,
>> This may be off topic, but . . .
>> I have upgraded my Ti 667 to 1 gig of RAM.  I now have a couple  
>> 256 mb RAM chips taking up space.  This RAM will fit in my wife's  
>> AMD Vaio laptop, but I get a "BIOS" error when I install said  
>> RAM.  Do I need to change something in this RAM to get it to work  
>> with this Vaio?  Is there software "burned" into RAM?
>> Thanks in advance for any help anyone may be able to offer.
>> Sincerely,
>> Brad Ellis
> Brad,
> I can't speak specifically to the Vaio, but Apple's machines use  
> the absolute slowest RAM sticks available.
> Some smarter person will have to explain that, technically, but I  
> believe it's all in the little internal toggles, and high-speed  
> sticks for the PC won't work in a Mac, either,  so, there you go.
> Brian S
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