[Ti] Re: PowerBook competition

FC Farwell frankfarwell at mac.com
Thu Sep 22 05:26:07 PDT 2005

On Sep 22, 2005,,Chris Olsen wrote:

> I think it would be safe to say that 90+% are PC people.  Apple needs
> to advertise.  I mean, go to Apple's website right now and what do
> you see on the front page?  The iPod nano.

Interesting enough is that Apples market share has increased somewhat 
in the last two years or so. What is causing the increase? The iPod, as 
it causes people to reconsider the Mac and some are buying them 
(spillover effect). So what should Apple do? Keep advertising the the 
iPod nano and expect more to switch to macs. In a sense the iPod has 
been a trojan horse for Apple. When Apple comes out with a quality vPod 
I expect it will bring them another one or more percent market share. 
REasoning if the iPod is so great then a vPod will be even better.

FC Farwell

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