[Ti] Re: please remove from mailing list

Timothy Luoma lists at tntluoma.com
Sat Sep 24 16:14:15 PDT 2005

On Sep 23, 2005, at 9:50 AM, James Cooper wrote:

> On the other hand, the future of the Powerbook depends almost  
> entirely on how it competes in the market, and I think (mostly)  
> informed discussion and debate on this issue IS an important part  
> of the activity of this List.

Then we might as well open up to discussion about the design of the  
iPod, as the future of Apple seems to depend at least as much on that  
as anything else.

And we might as well start talking about Microsoft's domination of  
Internet Explorer vs Safari, as the web is the future of computing  
and how well Apple competes there will determine whether or not there  
will be an OS produced by Apple to run on a Powerbook.

This whole thread is based on a non-comparison, a laptop priced with  
the lowest specs but compared to the Powerbook based on the highest  

Has it gotten more informed from there?

I reiterate that the discussion and debate of Apple's future here has  
absolutely influence in the actual future of Apple, and serves no  
purpose other than giving some people an opportunity to argue about  
what they think Apple is doing right or wrong.

Which isn't the purpose for the list to exist.  I didn't sign up for  
an advocacy list, and clearly others who are leaving feel the same way.

There are places to have these discussions for those who want to have  

Just because there are some here who enjoy the discussion doesn't  
make it the right place to discuss it.


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