[Ti] Re: Superdrive dual-layer?

TjL lists at tntluoma.com
Fri Sep 30 11:09:30 PDT 2005

It does not unless someone had it specially installed.

...... Original Message .......
On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 09:48:14 -0700 "Hector Luna" <polonius19 at gmail.com> 
>I just bought a 1.5 GHz 15" Powerbook and I can't tell if the
>Superdrive supports dual layer burning.
>System profiler IDs the drive as MATSHITA DVD-R   UJ-845E, w/ a DMP2
>firmware rev.
>I'm starting to suspect its not, but I can't verify that. Does anyone
>on the list know?
>Someday, when the historians study how someone as accomplished as Al
>Gore was effectively marginalized by a party without a conscience and
>kept press, they're going to be amazed that any of us had opposable
>- Charles Pierce
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