[Ti] Will Apple drop its OS?

Chris Olson chris.olson at astcomm.net
Fri Apr 7 15:17:56 PDT 2006

On Apr 7, 2006, at 1:57 PM, rob morris wrote:

> Where do you get this info Chris.  Adobe is saying Q4 2006, no  
> later than Q1 2007.  They are releasing CS3 that will be  
> universal...they chose not to update CS2.

Last month, Adobe chief executive Bruce Chizen stated that Creative  
Suite 3 -- which will include the next major releases of Photoshop,  
Illustrator, InDesign, GoLive and Acrobat -- will not be available  
until the second quarter of 2007.


> There are beta tests running now..I am unable to say more but some  
> of you can guess I may be involved with that...and the target dates  
> and progress as well as what Adobe has said publicly is no where  
> close to what you are saying Chris. Sorry again.

No apology necessary.  Perhaps you just need to update your information.

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