On 28-Nov-06, at 7:29 AM, Jerry Krinock wrote: > My Firelite was dependable for a few years, but then two of them > "fried" in > 2 days. Actually, the Firewire interface chip inside burned up for > some > reason (could smell it a little, upon taking it apart, found a > little hole > in the chip). Smartdisk would not sell me a new controller board, > so, now I > use a USB 2.0 enclosure for my backup drive with my new Mac instead of > Firewire. There are cheaper, seem to be just as fast, and from other > reports I've read on the internet, don't have this problem with > "frying" > that may have to do with the 30-volt DC power on the 6-pin Firewire > connector. > > But I don't know if they can be made bootable or not. Interesting that you should bring this up. I have a firewire drive for backups and I wanted to get one for my father. USB2 drives were cheaper so I ordered him one of those. Now I'm wondering if I didn't make a mistake. Is there a way to boot from a USB2 drive?