[Ti] Airport to Belkin set up

Barbara Needham barbneed at mac.com
Mon Sep 18 06:17:44 PDT 2006

Barbara Needham wrote:
> m_flynn at comcast.net wrote:
>> Hi Folks,
>> I am tying to go wireless with my Titanium G4. I have tthe 1G mem. It 
>> is one of the first that came out with Airport included. For some 
>> reason it just does not want to go wireless. I have the Mac as my 
>> network hub and I have a Dell hanging off wirless with no problem, but 
>> the Mac just does not want to leave the wire.
>> Any suggestions?
> Have you turned off everything and tried turning it back on one at a 
> time starting with the high speed connection and ending with the powerbook?

You did install an airport card.. ? I assume, but just in case?

Also are you getting any signal at all & can't connect, or not getting 
any signal.

My husband's Titanium G4 connected OK to our friends PC network [linksys 
router] but FIRST they had to plug in by ethernet to get the connection 
numbers. That was on a card in the slot though, airport is supposed to 
pick that stuff up automatically.

I have found that sometimes when first setting up I have to be really 
close to the base station.. after that it works ok at a distance.

Just a few more ideas I thought of.

Barbara Needham

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