[Ti] G4 & USB

Malcolm Cornelius malcolm at fireflyuk.net
Sun Nov 11 11:34:15 PST 2007

On 11 Nov 2007, at 17:57, Henry Kalir wrote:

> My Ti G4 1 GHz is a USB 1...:-(


> Do you know at which model G4 Apple introduced the USB 2?

If we are talking laptops, all G4 Tis are 1.1.  15in Als are all USB  
2, the first 12s and 17s were 1.1, so 12in 1.0GHz and 17in 1.33 and  
later are USB 2.

> Is there a way to introduce USB 2 to my Ti (above)?

PCMCIA card.

Best wishes

Malcolm Cornelius - The Powerbook Fanatic

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