[Ti] Help required: dead powerbook g4 aluminium

John McGibney ncicchek at optonline.net
Sat Sep 29 19:51:33 PDT 2007

On Sep 29, 2007, at 9:29 PM, Malcolm Cornelius wrote:

>>> I suspected a short circuit, so i took the thing apart, but other  
>>> than the deformed shell, i can't see any obvious damage to the  
>>> port where the charger is connected.
>>> This thing is well out of Applecare warranty. Any ideas? Or do i  
>>> need to go to Apple and be landed with a hefty bill?
>> You can try MacService (www.macservice.com). The DC In board  
>> repair looks to be $245. Their prices are all inclusive and flat  
>> rate with free diagnostics. They'll send you the shipping  
>> container. I've had an iBook and Titanium PowerBook logic boards  
>> repaired with them. I think an Aluminum G4 PowerBook is worth that  
>> to bring it back to life.
> That strike me as a HUGE fee - look around !
> -- 
> Best wishes

It actually seems reasonable. The board cost me about $60. You have  
to almost completely disassemble the lower half to access the power  
board. I did the repair myself and it took about 2 hours. Add in 2  
way shipping and is about right on.

Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.

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