[Ti] TimeCapsule & scanner

Scott Strehlow strehlow at usermail.com
Sun Aug 10 16:29:38 PDT 2008

On Aug 10, 2008, at 6:18 PM, John McGibney wrote:

> If I initiate the scan from any machine it will work. But if I  
> initiate from the scanner I can only send the file to a wireless  
> computer.

I've had two different HP AIO printers.  Initiating scans from the  
printer would only work with Windows machines, and then only  
sporadically.  I could not choose the receiving application with any  
great reliability either.  I have not tried to initiate scans from  
the printer with the new one, at least to send to a computer.  I can  
scan to a memory card inserted into the printer and have done that a  
couple times.


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