[Ti] 10.5.3

David Stodolsky david.stodolsky at socialinformatics.org
Fri May 30 10:30:21 PDT 2008

On 30 May 2008, at 18:49, Dr. Trevor J. Hutley wrote:
> I was a bit surprised or disappointed  to see a PC with BluRay when  
> there is no Mac laptop with such.  I feel that Apple are no longer  
> leading.  There were about 20 other (mostly ugly) models of PC  
> laptop with very good specifications, and low prices.  Some very low.
Attachment just posted:


David Stodolsky  davidstodolsky at mac.com  Skype: davidstodolsky

Begin forwarded message:

> From: David Stodolsky <david.stodolsky at socialinformatics.org>
> Date: 30 May 2008 19:09:52 GMT+02:00
> To: Trevor Jacques <Trevor at Videlicet.com>
> Cc: MacOS X Server List <macos-x-server at lists.apple.com>
> Subject: Re: STOP FEEDING THE TROLL! Re: 10.5.3: Server Mail gets  
> even worse, kills incoming SMTP
> On 30 May 2008, at 18:32, Trevor Jacques wrote:
>> Evidently, there are two main camps in the Server community: those  
>> who only intend to use what's under the hood; and those who see  
>> Apple's marketing and documentation about a GUI above all the Unix  
>> stuff and expect it to work as documented. Many times on the e-mail  
>> list and the discussion list, I've seen the 'under the hood'  
>> community humiliate the GUI community for having the gall to expect  
>> the product to work as advertised and documented. It's a rather  
>> unpleasant sight.
> Apple has effectively abandoned the small user, that is, anyone not  
> prepared to pay $6,000 / yr for a support contract. Unfortunately,  
> they have continued to market as they have before. As I and others  
> have pointed out, you can't believe anything coming out of Apple  
> about Server at this time. This marks the start of the decline of  
> Apple, which will hit Mac OS X client next. Actually, it already has  
> with a drop in quality and the outsourcing of repairs. The iPhone/ 
> iPod and AppleTV is where Apple is now innovating. We can see some  
> of the new stuff being retrofitted to the Mac OS after it is stable  
> there. Apple is a consumer electronics/phone/media giant now. Server  
> doesn't have much of a role in that picture. When client is no  
> longer important as a media platform, we can expect it to start its  
> slide out of existence.
> This List is populated by at least one arrogant know-it-all, who  
> seems only able to maintain his self esteem by heaping shit on  
> anyone not up to his 'standard'. Beyond this is a number of people  
> who have invested their careers in Mac Server and must reject any  
> criticism of Apple, no matter how justified it is. The fact that  
> Apple continues to market to the new user as a point-and-click  
> product that "just works" and that some of these people appear on  
> this List, since it is the only place where any support of Server  
> occurs, seems to be a fact they continue to ignore.
> dss
> David Stodolsky  davidstodolsky at mac.com  Skype: davidstodolsky

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