[Ti] White screen

Scott Strehlow strehlow at usermail.com
Sat Jun 27 07:02:59 PDT 2009

Two points.

- If you have a white screen, the inverter and backlight are working.

- If you have another Mac available, boot the troubled one in target  
disk mode and run the installer on the good one.  Then install to it  
across the FW link.

On Jun 14, 2009, at 1:23 PM, Arne Hulstein wrote:

> Movement! Yes, I have finally swapped the harddisk. And it works.  
> Well, not exactly, but there have been changes. the most important  
> thing is that the screen is all white now. It used to do nothing and  
> just be black, but now it has all gone white. Does that mean that I  
> can go looking for an inverter? Or what was that again?
> I still have trouble as well. I tried to install Tiger and attached  
> my second monitor that I had been using until the harddisk went. The  
> trouble is that the install screen probably only shows on the  
> laptops own monitor, which is perfectly white... Any thoughts on how  
> I can make it switch screens?

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