[Ti] TiBook Just Died... Help

Dr. Trevor J. Hutley TrevorHutley at consultant.com
Mon Mar 23 08:08:53 PDT 2009

On 23 Mar 2009, at 14:53, Simon Royal wrote:

> Hi.
> My TiBook was working fine. Then I noticed it wasn't charging. My  
> battery lasts between 10 mins and an hour depending on how it feels.
> It must have been fine as I've been on it all morning. I've pulled  
> out the plug and reinserted it - nothing.
> I changed the fuse in the plug - nothing.
> I pulled apart the clover leaf and put it back - nothing.
> Help. I am computerless, Macless, it is like my arm is cut off.
> Any ideas. It is one of the cheap white power adapters.

Simon - this happened to my daughter recently with her iBook.
She had to get a new Apple power supply, and all was fine.
Can you access another power supply, so that - by substitution - you  
can identify the exact problem ?
(ie whether it is the power supply)

All the best, Trevor

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