Apple Talk & Asante Router problem

Macbeth onemac5 at
Sat Aug 9 19:00:27 PDT 2003

> From: "Albert D'Amanda" <adamanda at>
> I am trying to connect two macs ,( Backup)  B&W & a ( Primary) G4, Jag
> 10.2.6 via Appletalk.
> I am using an Asante Router FR1004 via Ethernet Ports.
> (BTW. The asante works great connecting two macs and a PC into a single
> line-IP address )
> I want  to transfer files from my Main G4 over to the G3 Mac.
> At both boxes,  in Network ,Apple Talk is turned ON
> At both boxes File Sharing is set to FTP
> Have setup ownership & permissions on each of the  Macs bootup drives

Am I wrong in thinking that OS X (either version) only uses AppleTalk with
networking to previous operating systems and that OS X communicates to other OS X
machines via TCP/IP only?  If this is not the wrong way of thinking, then I would
suggest that you look at your TCP/IP settings, check that each Mac is assigned IP
addresses (DHCP by the router) and make sure that you connect that way rather than
using AppleTalk with Jaguar.



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