Strange Safari problem

Jim Robertson jamesrob at
Wed Aug 13 08:29:48 PDT 2003

I just allowed Software Update to install Safari. Thus far I've uncovered
one oddity.

My ISP maintains server-based spam filtering that sends suspicious messages
to a spamcan. I can log on to my "member tools" and then to the spam
filtering section, and once there, I can retrieve or delete the spam
messages (the mail server is POP3, by the way).

Once I finish reviewing the spam, I can click a link to return to member
tools, return to the (non-secure) ISP homepage, or just logout. When I click
on any of these links, ONLY IN SAFARI I get a recursive request to enter my
username and password. Doesn't happen in other browsers.

Any idea what the problem might be?

Thanks so much.

Jim Robertson

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