[X-Apps] Safari connecting to router

Cathy Scrivnor cathy at scrivnor.net
Sat Feb 8 20:36:13 PST 2003

On 2/8/03 8:07 PM, "Robert Poland" <rpoland at usa.net> wrote:

>> On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 05:05  PM, Robert Poland wrote:
>>>> I cannot connect to on my Netgear Router with Safari.
>>>> I stick with Chimera anyway.
>>>> -Adrian
>>>> On Saturday, February 8, 2003, at 04:05  PM, John B. Thoo wrote:
>>>>> Hi.  I was unable to connect to our Linksys router
>>>>> using Safari; instead, I had to use OmniWeb.  Has anyone else had
>>>>> this problem?  Thanks.
>>> I'm able to connect to with Safari.
>>> --
>>> Bob Poland - Englewood, CO
>> Which router?
> Linksys BEFSR41 V2
> Have pictures of setup if you're interested.

I'm able to connect to my xSense Aero router but also can't get the links to
work. I click, the links don't.

Cathy Scrivnor

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