[X-Apps] Tax Cut

Scott j-scotty at attbi.com
Mon Jan 27 22:55:51 PST 2003

Haven't tried it yet, for purely technical reasons - the 
procrastinamagatorthingie is still installed. Off the top of my head, 
I'd guess they tried to make it an install-anywhere-be-it-9-or-X 
installer, but forgot to check the "don't be an inflexible idiot" box. 
Do you have 9 installed on the drive on which you are attempting to 

And yes, I'm surprised - I don't recall any problems w/ the 2001 
edition, which was also X native.


On Monday, January 27, 2003, at 03:36 PM, Michael Grant wrote:

> Has anyone succeeded in installing Tax Cut for 2002 on OS X? On my 
> system
> the installer fails with message "This installation requires a System 
> Folder
> on the destination drive. The installation has been canceled." 
> Followed by
> another message: "An error occurred that prevented the installation 
> from
> completing." And sure enough, there's no sign of the 1000-odd files the
> installer said it was installing. Is this idiotic or what? Did anyone
> actually test this on OS X before putting the nifty little "Built for 
> Mac OS
> X" logo on the box? Am I going to have to install the damned thing from
> Classic, or (yuck) boot into 9?
> Michael

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