I have this problem with IE specifically. It started for me 2 weeks ago when IE was flaking so I turfed it and all it's pref files and re-installed from scratch. Now, in the middle of a session with IE, it will lose it's settings.. Strange. On 3/15/03 9:43 AM, "Frame:X" <framex22 at fastmail.fm> wrote: > > Sorry if this has been asked before but I'm new to OS X(10.2.4) & have > problems on 2 computers with some application preferences not being saved. > When I set any preferences in IE or Safari or some other apps, the next time > I restart the computer, all the preferences are gone & these programs are > set to their original condition (after their install). Is there a way to fix > this problem? I'm the only user & always logged in as admin. > > Thanks > -sean Bill Reburn