[X-SW] Help needed

W Lane wilann at telusplanet.net
Thu Oct 29 16:51:05 PDT 2009

On 09-Oct-29, at 17:10: 00, Rupert Hoyte wrote:

> This is my first attempt to use this source of knowledge and  
> sharing.   Presently I have a problem in that I need to download the  
> ability to read e-mail attachments which are of the    -  wmv   type.

Flip4Mac will allow you to watch wmv files

>  When I went to the correct site and wanted to download,

Define 'correct site'

> the computer informed me there was not enough room on the  
> "Downloads" file to accept it.

??? 'Not enough room ON Downloads?  How much free space do you have on  
your HD?

>  This file is mainly taken up with FIREFOX.

What 'file' is Firefox occupying?

>   Is there some way. (compress,make alias, or whatever,) which will  
> enable me to get FFox out of the way, but still useable  I could  
> then download the above.  Rupert Hoyte

There should be no need to 'get Firefox out of the way'.  Are you by  
chance running Firefox from the disk image? Command & click on Firefox  
in the Dock when it is running and select 'show in Finder'.  Where  
does it say Firefox is located?

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