I seem to have pinched my ATA cable that runs my Combo Drive on my dual 867 and now need a new one. Since cables are simple to put in, I would rather just find a OEM replacement and just do it myself. The one in question came off of the ATA66 bus but I don't think that matters. I do not know if this cable got pinched by me or if tha machine from the factory had a kink that just got worse as time went on. Anyhow, I would just like to fix it myself. On the sticker affixed to the current bad cable, it has: Apple part number 590-5136 Rev. A Foxconn part number FC80K17-00 0222 Does anyone have a source to order this exact cable? it tried the foxconn site to no avail. googling the part numbers was not too good. Anyone know where to order OEM parts? Perhaps Tekserve in NYC? I would really just like ti to be mailed to my residence in Northwestern NJ. !!!Thanks much and I am on DIGEST so CC'ing me directly would be fantastic! Erik Gilchrist mailto:erikgil at metagrafix.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ d e s i g n . d e v e l o p . d e l i v e r :::::::: http://www.metagrafix.com ::::::::