[X-HW] ipod sort battery life

Don Montalvo dmjgraphics at nyc.rr.com
Fri Feb 21 18:06:13 PST 2003

The problem is the battery in the iPod isn't user-replaceable and 
Apple charges $296 to replace the battery.

I wonder if this means the iPod is so high-maintenance that it needs 
$296 worth of repair every year?


>  >I only get 4 hours or so of use from my original 5G iPod. No
>>backlight, no clicks...still only 4 hours. Lasted muuuccchhhh longer
>>when I first got it.
>>I wonder if Apple planned on this...advertise 10 hours of use and
>>over time end up with 4 hours or so of use.
>Rechargeable batteries eventually die. I suggest looking into
>documentation - Apple included some about extending battery life with
>its new G4 laptops. Otherwise you may need to replace it. My
>Powerbook battery lasted 2 years.


Don Montalvo		Home: 212-307-7753
747 Tenth Avenue	Cell: 917-559-5713
Apartment 28i		Email: dmjgraphics at nyc.rr.com
New York, NY		URL: http://donmontalvo.com
10019			AIM: donmontalvo

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