Directing output to a second monitor

Gordon Vickrey oldraven at
Sun Feb 29 09:48:26 PST 2004

On Thursday, Feb 26 2004, Cflatow wrote, in part:

> But here's the part I am really trying to find out about in this forum:
> When I click on a specific icon it will take that item and display it
> on my second monitor on the extended desktop.
> BAM- whatever piece of data I set up on my primary screen, no matter
> how I prepare it, I hit this icon and it plays on the second monitor
> (or projector). All the viewers see is what I've prepared and none of
> the fuss I go through, BUT, I don't have to drag a window over and
> re-size it. As a matter of fact there are some pre-sets available to
> let me send my file over to about a dozen pre-scripted locations, such
> as lower left corner, top half of screen, etc.
> Is there a mechanism for this kind of control available on the Mac??? I
> have not found it.

In Finder preferences check the "always open folders in new window" box, and
then close the finder's pref window. Now open any file/window you want, drag
that window to your 2nd monitor, and select your preferred view for that
window. Close that window _without doing anything else to it_.

>From now on every time you launch that file/window, either via its icon or
from within its application, it will open at the location you last left it
(meaning on whatever monitor you last left it), in exactly the same
position, and in the same view you last set.


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